Open every window you pass. You never know what you may find on the other side.
I learnt many things. I understood that "trust" is a word, now twisted around to mean "feel close to". I understood that you only dislike those you don't know too well, for you cannot get yourself to hate those you've known, and you cannot get yourself to like those you don't get. I understood that people who use cliches and cheesy lines to describe life, are just trying to look for comfort instead of making it on their own. I understood that there will be hoards of people who do something better than you, and you're only demeaning yourself by trying to demean them- suck it up and accept that you need to work harder. I understood that dance is poetry in motion, that theater is a more comprehensive expression and that art in general is the best catharsis. I understood that diets only make you more hungry, and that exercise is of no use if it isn't done regularly.
I learnt that prioritizing means losing somethings and being okay with it.
I learnt that the only thing one finds funny, is difference. If it isn't something you are used to, it isn't ordinary, and therefore laughable at. We only laugh at those who do not fit our prescribed list of things that are conventionally normal or regarded good. You laugh at effeminate men, at fat people, at clumsy people. They make you laugh because they aren't part of your "ordinary". It's difference that brings variety to life. If it weren't for difference, we'd all look the same, do the same things, talk the same way, think the same thoughts. Where's the diversity in that? Where's variety in that? Where's the colour in that? I learnt to respect difference. I learnt to be laughed at.
The new year is an indication of a future. The first of January could just be the beginning of another year, but it's the universe's way of gifting you a new beginning, 'cos you may never get around to doing new things by yourself. It's a push towards a chance to live it up, and live it good! It's the commencement of more expectations and anticipations. It's a promise of so many things to come, leave, stay in or remain out.
It could be twelve months of more learning, fifty two weeks of progressing, three sixty five/six days of accomplishing, but never eight thousand seven sixty six hours of living in the past. Look forward to every new day because let's face it, even monotony isn't that monotonous anymore.
See what's in store for you, this decade. Take it as it comes. Smile as you take it. Mean it when you smile. Feel it when you mean it. Be it when you feel it.
'Appy two oh double one!