Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Stranger in My Life

Hello, stranger...
I know your name
Drug-stained lips that
Spewed out lies
Those dirty arms that
Clasped me tight
You had it all when
You had me
I lost it all when
I let you in

Hello, stranger...
You dishonest thief
I saw you for who
You really are and will be
I thought I was who
Could turn over your story
You opened me up,
You broke me
You shattered my trust,
I'm breaking free

Hello, stranger...
With a disturbed mind
I write lyrics for you
In praise of your betrayal
I sing songs for you
Celebrating the massacre
I loved you for all
That you were
Now I hate you for all
That you've done to me

Stranger, you were mine
My very own
But now...

Goodbye, stranger.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Romancing the Night

A step into the solemn night
I saw the streets, devoid of light
I felt a tingle in my bones
Bewitching sky, it's dark tones
A quick gasp, a charmed smile...

Shadows of the moonlit trees
An avenue of mysteries
I felt a soft hand fondling mine
That God of black, Oh so divine
He was with me, I felt his love...

I walked into the noir montage
So aroused, by that moon-drenched collage
The street so serenading, so silent, so calm
I felt his finger, drawing hearts on my palm
That love from darkness. At home, at home...

As the blackness caressed me, tender
I guessed not my new love's gender
I let myself feel his lukewarm touch
I followed- a lame damsel with her crutch
I made my night, a knight- my own...

Silhouettes of the night sky on my street
Lucid in an aphotic way, my bare feet
I walked on the gravel, it tickled my toes
I forgot my worries, the spelling of 'woes'
Falling in love with a rayless air...

I don't need a man, no woman will do
I found the one I will profess my love to
The blank colour that pervades post twilight
That positive darkness of my midnight
My cimmerian solitude of sensual salvation...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'm Right Here

When love is what you seek,
When you want to know
Someone listens when you speak,
When you want to feel
A kiss of care upon your cheek,
When you want to hear
There is hope when all's bleak,
I'm right here...

If it's answers you want,
If the world turns away
When your lips begin to vaunt,
If purple skies are too far
And those soft clouds too gaunt,
If mirthless thoughts
Spread in your mind to haunt,
Turn to me...

Feel my touch,
I will hold you till your skies are blue
I will tell you your joy is true
Erase all foreboding, predict your smiles
Fill utopian petals in all your aisles
Just look at me...

Yours now, all of it...

What was once mine
Is now yours.
That which touched me,
Held me so close,
Whispered secrets of unbound love,
Breathed in my air,
It stroked my hair,
It looked at me
With eyes of serenading hope,
Pulled me in like hollow vacuum,
Those lips that met mine
In wet trysts, ever so often,
That voice
It satiated hunger, quenched my thirst.
Yours now, all of it...
Yours now, all of it...